Montessori School Missouri City: Let Your Child Discover His Own Talent


The Montessori system of education was first developed by a physician and educator named Dr. Maria Montessori. She believed that children must be allowed to freely choose how they learn. This method doesn’t follow any traditional curriculum, rather, it invites the children so that they can explore their surroundings and the environment and choose what they want to learn about. Below are a few important aspects of Montessori School in Missouri City.

Individual work

The first important core component is individual activities and work. This is possible when a child is given their own workspace and also materials which  they can explore and this will help them learn on their own. This method does not include coordinated instruction or simply learning in front of a teacher, it rather focuses on self-direction and independence in conducting a task.

Freedom to work at an individual pace

The second important core component is the freedom given to the child to work at their own pace. This means that children get time as well as the opportunity to use things which they can learn at a pace with which they are comfortable. There is no stringent schedule set for the children, no rules are set for them that determine when they need to learn something. Montessori School Missouri City believes that children can progress at any time during their development.

Sensorial activities are conducted

Conducting sensorial activities is the third core component where children learn the sense of touch, learn different movement, sight, sound. In this type of education, the use of the five sense organs of our body is encouraged. Children are made to use all five senses with which they are allowed to explore various materials and objects.

Self-directed study

Self-directed study is the fourth important component. Children always have several objectives which need some support and a certain amount of guidance. No specific instructions should be given to them about how to accomplish a task or achieve an objective. By following the guidance, children must, on their own, figure out the way by which they can do it themselves. This method is followed in Montessori schools because here the child will learn using their own curiosity as their guide. The youngsters' minds are full of innovative ideas, any specific or strict instructions may destroy that innovation and creativity.

There is no predetermined schedule for them, neither are there bells ringing for recess or lunch, neither are there any deadlines for assignments or tests. This process allows children to enjoy freedom in their learning process. In such an environment, children can work at their own pace. This means every child gets enough time to learn something properly. A classroom involves children having a different pace for learning new things. Thus, if a child needs more time for completing a task, they can take as much time as per their requirements without the need to hurry and also without being judged in any way. This self-directed study builds confidence in the child and they also learn to become independent.

Respect for each other

Another core component is respect for others. In Montessori School Missouri City, teachers treat the students with respect, value their thoughts. This makes them feel important. School is a learning place and the child learns what they see. Thus, when they feel that they are being respected, they will in turn learn to respect everyone- teachers, parents, elderly, friends.

Peaceful environment

The Montessori School in Missouri City has classrooms with a peaceful designed environment like soft lighting and calm music. This helps to create a relaxed atmosphere that is essential to nurture  students’ concentration skills.

The main philosophy of Montessori education is that they emphasize more on the idea of letting kids remain kids while learning!


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